December 11, 2013

WInter Essentials

The weather yesterday was insane. It snowed all day yesterday and on sunday! So since it's pretty obvious that winter is on it's way I decided to share everything that is definitely a must have, this upcoming winter season.

Bright Coat, Over the knee socks, knee high boots, collared button down top, turtleneck crop top.

  1. Personally, I love anything with a bright color. But specifically this season, a bright coat has been in more demand than ever!
  2. Over the knee boots seem to always add something extra in a somewhat bland outfit. When the winter weather is forcing you to wear the warmest of clothes, you'll still look cute with a pair of these. 
  3. No matter how cold it is, I will will wear a skirt. That's just how I am. But it's nice knowing that instead of wearing tights, you can wear some thick socks!
  4. Button down tops are great! Sure they look nice alone, but layered under a warm sweater is an added bonus. Extra warmth while perfectly achieving the preppy look!
  5. Yes, there is a way to wear crop tops in the winter.. Just make sure it has long sleeves!
Get your winter essentials...

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